BOREAS (17' 9") StarLite Tandem Northstar Canoe with 3 Seats
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BOREAS (17' 9") StarLite Tandem Northstar Canoe with 3 Seats

Special order
Regular price $3,635.00


The Boreas is Northstar's largest tandem with shouldered flare. With a similar capacity to the Northwind 17, you can easily disappear into the wilderness for an extended trip. With a narrower center section, the Boreas can be paddled solo from the center and is easier to portage for smaller paddlers.

Note: This particular configuration includes a third seat for an extra paddler or easy soloing.

Weight: 42 lb.
Length: 17' 9"
Gunwale Width: 32"
Maximum Width: 36"
Waterline Width: 32"
Stern Depth: 19"
Center Depth: 14"
Bow Depth: 21"
Rocker: 2.5" bow, 1.5" stern
Optimal Load: 375-675 lb.

• Large capacity
• Solo from middle seat
• Lightweight

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