HERON (15' 0") Aramid Ultra-light w/Silver Trim Tandem Wenonah Canoe
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HERON (15' 0") Aramid Ultra-light w/Silver Trim Tandem Wenonah Canoe

Special order
Regular price $3,524.00


The Wenonah Heron tandem canoe is short, stable and maneuverable. It's well suited for smaller lakes and backwaters. Easy to store, easy to transport, and fun to paddle!

Note: This configuration includes straight web seats, although curved web are pictured.

Weight: 36 lb.
Length: 15' 0"
Gunwale Width: 35"
Maximum Width: 36"
Waterline Width: 35"
Stern Depth: 16"
Center Depth: 13"
Bow Depth: 18"
Rocker: 1.25"

• Shorter length for storage
• Lightweight
• Tandem or solo

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