PROSPECTOR 16 (16' 0") Tuf-Weave® Flex-Core Tandem Wenonah Canoe
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Shop more: Canoes Tandem Canoes Wenonah Canoes
PROSPECTOR 16 (16' 0") Tuf-Weave® Flex-Core Tandem Wenonah Canoe
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The Wenonah Prospector 16 tandem canoe is known for its classic design. This canoe is stable on rivers and streams with plenty of rocker for quick turns. It also works well as a solo when paddled backwards.
Weight: 56 lb.
Length: 16' 0"
Gunwale Width: 36"
Maximum Width: 37"
Waterline Width: 33"
Stern Depth: 25"
Center Depth: 15"
Bow Depth: 25"
Rocker: 2.5"
• Symmetrical design
• Tandem or solo
• Maneuverable